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G7 Summit 2024: G7 Leaders Pledge 50 bn USD Support for Ukraine

G7 Summit 2024

PM Narendra Modi along with other leaders from the world gathered in Apulia, Italy for the 2024 G7 summit. In the Summit 2024, G7 agreed to support Ukraine with a loan of $50bn.

Who has attended the G7 Summit 2024?

The meeting was attended by the leaders of the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom, as well as representatives from the European Union. The summit was held to discuss pressing global issues such as climate change, economic growth, and security. 

Prime Minister Modi at the G7 Summit 2024:

Modi’s presence at the summit marked the first time an Indian leader had been invited to attend the G7 summit. The Prime Minister at the Summit said, “India has considered it its responsibility to put priorities and concerns of countries of the Global South on world stage.”

He also adds "We have to collectively ensure that the benefits of technology reach all sections of society, to realize the potential of every person in the society, to help in removing social inequalities, and expand human powers instead of limiting them. This should not only be our desire, but our responsibility. We have to convert monopoly in technology into mass usage. We have to make technology creative, not destructive. Only then will we be able to lay the foundation of an inclusive society."

Narendra Modi took his shared a video on X account sharing his experience at the G7 Summit 2024 with a quote," An important G7 Summit, where I presented India’s perspective at the world stage. Here are highlights."

Giogia Meloni And Modi Post:

Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy, shared a video with Modi on her X account and wrote, " Hi From Melodi" and the Indian Prime Minister re-shared the video post of Giorgia Meloni with him and wrote, "Long live India-Italy friendship" with the Italy and India national flag which is trending on social media.

G7  Summit 2024 Support To Ukraine:

One of the key topics on the agenda is the war that happened between Ukraine and Russia, and the conflict between Israel, Palestine, and Hamas.

The leaders of the G7 countries have come forward to support Ukraine in its efforts to stabilize the region. G7 agreed to support Ukraine by providing them with a loan of $50bn.

Meloni, who is the host of G7 Summit 2024, said, “I confirm to you that we have reached political agreement to provide additional financial support to Ukraine of approximately $50bn by the end of the year,”

On June 13, US President Joe Biden assured Zelenskyy of Ukraine and signed a 10-year bilateral security pact aimed at improving Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s ongoing conflict. 

The agreement, inked during the summit, is framed as a progression towards Ukraine’s future NATO membership, as outlined in the document. "The agreement is acknowledged by both parties as a step towards Ukraine's eventual inclusion in the NATO alliance," the text states