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Google Doodle Celebrates Joseph Plateau 218th Birthday

Google Doodle Celebrates Joseph Plateau 218th Birthday

Google Doodle Celebrates Joseph Plateau's 218th Birthday: Google doodle never forget to commemorate achievements all over the world. Google Doodle commemoration helps people to know the notable historical events, inventions and inventors to the present world.

Following the google doodle family, today Joseph plateau animation joins the doodle facade. This google doodle is a tribute to Joseph Antonie Ferdinand Plateau's 218th birth anniversary on October 14, 2019.

Joseph Plateau is a Belgian Physicist, who invented the first moving image animation. Joseph Plateau was born in Brussels on October 14, 1801. Being a flower painter's son, his interest in Physics made him a scientist.

From the University of Liege, Joseph Antonie Plateau completed his doctorate in Physics and Mathematical science in Belgium.

Phenakistiscope is a rotating disk with slits in it to make a moving image leading to the first animation entertainment so-called cinema.

Today's google doodle is an animating representation of discs, moving image honoring the Belgian Physicist Joseph Plateau and his invention in his style.

Plateau's Phenakistiscope based on the rotation of two disks at correct speed, creating an animated effect of the image. The illusion of motion invention by Joseph paved the way for film entertainment.

Joseph Plateau is a child prodigy in Physics made him study capillary action, surface tension, soap bubble in detail.

He also formulated Plateau's Laws describing the structure of foam films. Plateau's immeasurable love for Physics made him lost his sight during the retinal study of luminous impressions. He exposed his eyes in sunlight for the experiment leading to the loss of both verdict and eyes.

He continued his career in Physics as a Professor at Ghent University even after the loss of his vision with the aid of son and son-in-law.

Google doodle description states that the Animated doodle art with different themes and images was an inspiration from the mesmerizing discs reflecting Plateau's style on different google devices and platforms.