Coimbatore: Police Arrested 4 For Involving In Highway Robbery

Coimbatore Robbery Attempt
Coimbatore Robbery Attempt

The Police arrested 4 of the 6 masked thieves on June 16 who waylaid a car and attempted on the Salem–Kochi highway on June 14. The police are now in search of the other accused involved in the crime.

Coimbatore Robbery Attempt:

On June 12, Aslam Siddique,  27, of Ernakulam, the car was targeted by the Thieves. Aslam Siddique returned from Bangalore with his three friends after his work. In this case, near the L&T bypass, his car was followed by vehicles that blocked the car's way making his car stop.

Then, a red-shirt-masked man gets down from the car and breaks Siddique's car front windshield with a weapon, following him, other 5 masked men surround his car. Siddique reversed the car and moved forward breaking the doors of the robber's car.

After the attempt, Siddique and his friends informed the incident of the highway police and filed a complaint against them. The daring move made by the Siddique was appreciated by netizens. 

Police Arrest:

The police have successfully arrested four out of the six suspects involved in the recent highway robbery attempt on the Salem–Kochi highway. The arrested individuals have been identified as K. Sivadas (29), Ramesh Babu (27), M. Vishnu (28), and M. Ajay (24), all hailing from Kerala.

Police discovered that the assailants had rented the vehicles used in the crime, which aided in their identification and subsequent arrest. The police utilized GPS tracking devices installed in the cars to locate and capture the suspects on Sunday.

District Superintendent of Coimbatore Police, V. Badrinarayanan, said regarding the case, “It was found that the accused had received an information that the targeted car was carrying unaccounted cash. However, the information seemed to have been wrong,” 

The Video:

A recent robbery attempt on the Salem-Cochin Highway was captured by a car's dashboard camera. The footage shared on social media, went viral, sparking widespread concern and discussion throughout the Coimbatore region. The incident has provoked awareness regarding safety and security on highways, drawing attention to the Highway's criminal activities.

Highway Robbery:

Highway robbery refers to the act of stealing from travelers on a public road or highway, typically via force or threat of force. The highway robbery was quite common in many parts of the world, especially in less-policed regions or during times of social unrest. It often involved bandits or outlaws who would ambush travelers, demanding money, valuables, or goods.