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India Made Cough Syrup Killed 66 Children In Gambia, Only Exported

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The central government has explained that Maiden's cough medicine, which killed 66 children in the West African country of Gambia, was manufactured in India but not sold domestically. The central government has sent the cough medicine manufactured by Maiden Company for testing to check its chemical ingredients.

In a report released by the World Health Organization yesterday, the cough medicines Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexnalin Baby Cough Syrup, MaKoff Baby Cough Syrup and MaGrip n Cold Syrup manufactured by Haryana-based Maiden Pharmaceuticals in India are of poor quality. Due to the poor quality of drugs used in these syrups, 66 children died, and many had kidney problems.

Subsequently, the Central Ministry of Health has taken samples of Maiden's cough medicines and sent them for testing. It said that all these drugs are not sold in India but only exported.

Apart from that, the central government has ordered the Central Drug Quality Control Organization to investigate the drugs manufactured by Maidan and their export to the Gambia.

In the first phase of the investigation, Maiden Pharmaceutical Company, based in Sonipat, Haryana, has received approval from the State Drug Control and Manufacturing Authority. The drug is allowed to be exported only to the Gambia.

Following this incident, the Haryana government sent Maidan's medicines to the Central Drug Quality Control Laboratory in Chandigarh for testing. It has also been sent to the Central Drug Control Laboratory in Kolkata.