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How To Earn Money In YouTube? Tips To Create Channel

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Nowadays, more people are earning a lot of money being home through social media, especially on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc. It is a smart way of thinking and earning. Youtube is a good platform to earn movies by showcasing our skills.

YouTube videos have two types of licenses namely Standard License and Creative Common License (Standard License, Creative Common License).

The Standard License means that all videos we upload must be our own videos. Don't upload other people's videos like TV shows on our YouTube channel without copyrights.

There are many videos on YouTube that we can use for free and this is called Creative Common License. You can use these types of videos for free on your channel i.e. you can take a Creative Common License video and make some changes to it and upload it on your YouTube channel. 

Similarly, if you upload a video on your channel under Creative Common Licence, other people can download it for free and use it on their YouTube channel.

You can start a YouTube channel for free, but you will only get income from advertisements. The income comes from Google's AdSense as far as it goes.

To earn income on YouTube you must be a member of the YouTube Partner Program which means your channel must have had 4,000 hours of viewership in the last year since your YouTube channel started. Because YouTube pays based on user views.

Generally, a channel should have 1000 Subscribers and if so YouTube company will analyze your channel and then join it under its YouTube Partner Program and then you will get features including payment.