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Will Pugazh Participate In Cook With Comali Season 3? Promo Goes Viral

Cook with Comali Season 3

The most expected update from Vijay Television has come out. Yes, the cook with comali season 3 promo is released, and the fans are celebrating and waiting for the show with eagerness and excitement. After successfully completing Season 1 and 2, now the cook with comali show season 3 os popped out.

Cook with Comali show is considered a good stress-buster than to tell it as a reality show. More than Bigg Boss, Cook With Comali has a huge fan base. Most of the Vijay Tv fans requested Vijay Tv to shorten the timing of Bigg Boss and to telecast Cook With Comali for a long time.

Cook with Comali Season 1 contestants were G. Gnanasambandam, Mohan Vaidya, Priyanka Robo Shankar, Ramya Pandian, Rekha, Thaadi Balaji, Uma Riyaz Khan and Vanitha Vijayakumar. The comalis were Bala, Bijili Ramesh, Manimegalai, Pappu, Pugazh, Sai Sakthi, Sivaangi Krishnakumar and Tiger Thangadurai.

The title winner of season 1 was Vanitha Vijayakumar. Uma Riyaz Khan was the first runner up following that came Ramya Pandian and Rekha. Chef Damodharan and Chef Venkatesh Bhat were the guests in both seasons, and they will continue to be the judge in season 3. At the same time, Rakshan is the host for both seasons. 

Cook with Comali Season2 contestants was Ashwin Kumar Lakshmikanthan, Baba Bhaskar, C. Shakeela Begum, Deepa Shankar, Dharsha Gupta, Kani Thiru, Madurai Muthu, Pavithra Lakshmi and Rithika Tamil Selvi. And the comalis were Bala, Manimegalai, Pappu, Parvathy Saran, Pugazh, Sakthi Raj, Sarath Raj, Sivaangi Krishnakumar, Sunita Gogoi and Tiger Thangadurai.

In season 2, Kani Thiru was the title winner, and Shakeela Begum was the first runner up. Cook with Comali Season 1 and 2 both had many interesting episodes, especially when Ramya Pandian is paired with Pugazh. The editor must be given special credit for his fantastic work, which perfectly merges the action and content. 

Now that two seasons have been successfully completed, the promo of the third season has come out and is currently going viral. This promo features Comali Manimegalai, Sivaangi Krishnakumar, Bala and Sunita, along with Chef Damodharan and Chef Venkatesh Bhat. 

But the fan's favourite Comali Pugazh is not featured in this promo. It has been revealed that he will not be in this season. It is said that Pugazh could not attend this season as he is currently busy acting in films. He has gathered the maximum number of fans.