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Bigg Boss 3 Tamil: 2 Contestants in Jail Now

Bigg Boss 3 Tamil Contestant Cheran

Kavin was ghost-listed

Bigg Boss Tamil Season 3 has gained impetus with controversies, and ego clashes are storming in a big way. It was a luxury budget task which was assigned, and Vanitha Vijaykumar who is getting familiarity for all wrong reasons was the convict. 

Vanitha Vijaykumar strategically accomplishing all the tasks without getting caught and send the inmates of the house to the ghost arena. Bigg Boss has assigned Kavin and Meera the sub-Inspector of Police and constable roles to find the convict. 

Simultaneously Bigg Boss assigned Vanitha, the next task to kill Kavin by taking his gun away without his consciousness. She just did that, and Kavin was declared dead and was ghost-listed.

Vanitha's confession

Between, Meera was promoted to Kavin's position. Kavin tried his part of investigating Madhumitha and Losliya who were the prime suspects in the whole house. 

None in the house has skewed their suspicion towards Vanitha Vijaykumar. It was indeed funny when Vanitha performed her task to add Kavin in the ghost list. 

Even after that, not a single doubt arose on her. Finally, she confessed that it was she who did all the crimes. Between Cheran got infuriated and told before the camera that he didn't want to continue owing to not understanding the game.

He lent his support to the ghosts outside the house, pointing that they had to roam in the park in the hot sun. For the same reason, he went ahead to let go of the luxury items. But in vain, nobody understood, and it backfired him.

Who went to Jail finally?

After this, Bigg Boss was asking the housemates to select two from the house who did not cooperate well in the task. Abirami being the captain, said Cheran and Saravanan. 

Saravanan got pissed off and asked the reason behind the same. He claimed that he played his part well and asked for the rights to nominate him as the defaulter. 

Abirami replied that she had not felt the presence of Saravanan in the task. But Vanitha Vijaykumar had countered stating it was not Saravanan but Kavin who was careless to a maximum extent that he didn't even notice the presence of the gun. There were chaos and confusions.

Big Boss again gave a chance to revisit and decide. After some hiccups, the housemates unanimously decided Kavin and Cheran be put in Jail. Today's episode will break the seal of the sequences happening.